As more and more commercial businesses emphasize positive first impressions, the demands of the cleanliness of their facilities increase. One way that commercial cleaning companies can meet these increasing demands is to save time and money through better cleaning tools. New England Cleaning Services, Inc. is committed to being at the forefront of the cleaning industry and continues to stay up to date with the most effective cleaning technologies.
Electrostatic Mist
One advanced method of cleaning is electrostatic mist cleaning. A disinfectant with electrostatically charged particles is sprayed onto surfaces, which allows these particles to adhere to dirt, debris, and pathogens that cover the surfaces. The advantage to the charged particles is that they act like a magnet to negatively charged objects and surfaces, allowing for areas that are hard to reach, oddly-shaped, or hidden to still be cleaned and disinfected completely and effectively. Not only is it easy to apply, requiring someone to walk past an area while spraying a surface, but it is also cost effective because it uses much less disinfectant compared to traditional methods of cleaning and disinfecting. Using electrostatic cleaning allows for a big save in time as well. Since surfaces are coated with a thin layer of the mist, they are quicker to dry, and allow for overall faster execution.
New England Cleaning Services, Inc. provides a wide variety of cleaning and other project services to commercial businesses in the eastern Massachusetts area. We understand the need for fast but effective service that doesn’t disrupt your work flow, and the need to provide not just a clean but also safe work environment for your workers. A clean, safe facility minimizes the risk of sickness spreading, not just in the cold and flu season but year round. Continued attention to minimizing the spread of infections and disease leads to more productivity by reducing sick time and supporting better health for workers. Electrostatic cleaning is one of the many ways New England Cleaning Services, Inc. strives to deliver high-quality cleans with cutting edge technology. Contact us at our Waltham, MA office at (781) 890-2000 for more information or a free quote today!